Iintro to me

I am a writer, who started out with artsy short stories and a clever book about spies, and poets, love and death. Then on the web I started writing comedy to great success, eventually publishing four books and now working hard on my fifth; I am following WAKING UP JESUS with THE GOD OF MANY MASKS... a reincarnating Buddha of sorts, who was once Christ, now living in our time and know he is a deity, supernatural, and fear he is here for the end times, especially after I was given of a vision of being the destroyer of the planet, with flows of lightening and fire spewing through my back and chest... a very good feeling in the dream, of pulling lava from the earth and lightening from the sky as I destroy
yed all life, leaving the souls nothing to be reborn into, free at last from the gravity of life here, developed souls drawn toward the great pulses of LOVE they feel coming from God, and like souls, head toward his face, which is not human or man or woman or anything of the sorts...

Iintro to me

I am a writer, who started out with artsy short stories and a clever book about spies, and poets, love and death. Then on the web I started writing comedy to great success, eventually publishing four books and now working hard on my fifth; I am following WAKING UP JESUS with THE GOD OF MANY MASKS... a reincarnating Buddha of sorts, who was once Christ, now living in our time and know he is a deity, supernatural, and fear he is here for the end times, especially after I was given of a vision of being the destroyer of the planet, with flows of lightening and fire spewing through my back and chest... a very good feeling in the dream, of pulling lava from the earth and lightening from the sky as I destroy
yed all life, leaving the souls nothing to be reborn into, free at last from the gravity of life here, developed souls drawn toward the great pulses of LOVE they feel coming from God, and like souls, head toward his face, which is not human or man or woman or anything of the sorts...

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Good Guys Wear Black?

    The war is on.  I can tell by how hard the media is fighting me, and more importantly of course, those whom I represent,  wish to protect, need help I am capable of giving, healing I can help with....  I picture my words hitting some of you like Charles Manson wanting to be a guidance counselor.  I WAS the guy on the radio, encouraging they kill the Tutsi who the Hutu... 

 I did not know my game of war of the worlds was causing eruptions.  England probably surprised me the most.   Had I been thinking clearly, I would have stopped and thought, the damned queen of England just sent you a message, personally asking you to 'stop this.'   I did not know what my criticism was doing, or I would have been surgical in my strikes, not instilling mere chaos, with no place to channel the revolution into a realistic form of government.

My ire at the CIA has to end.   I cannot hold hate in my heart very long -- why Bob Dylan is the exception is beyond me, though a sell out like that, a powerless flea afraid to come near me, even through his big scary friends -- he tried to pretend he was me, just like he did woody.  Dylan you are not worthy of eating Woody's shit.   I would not piss in your mouth if you were dying of thirst.  I would piss all over you... not in your parched lips.   You went thru life the kind of tool they tried to make me.   You went along though, cared about a career, being cool.   I was going for the throat.  Give me a platform and I will use it as a weapon for the people, just as my enemy does.   They have platforms everywhere, the liars, from the tv to the movies to the music to the nightly news, of course.

I have got to break the habit of repeating myself for those who are unknowledgeable of my work, especially in these blogs, which are obviously just for the initiated.

I want to go back to len Bremmer from xrt calling me a rat, if he did.  I cannot be a rat, because I  was not a criminal in the first place.  Had I known who had and who had not been privy to my existence, let alone the  amount of effort that  you put in, which I basically ignored, because I SAW the  media as my enemy, for the most part.  I WANTED to trust supernatural, especially after a few of their episodes gave me word on matters I thought were influenced by my work, instead of speaking of the influence of my work.  200 preachers, they said.  Self help people?  Such people are very low on my list of giving a shit about for the most part, personal freedom to choose and all that.   I gained a lot by self help, and the seminar approach of the leads given in AA.   I took a vow of silence, did other things, like this, journaling.   I read a lot of self help books as a kid and basically gave up on them, they seemed mostly common sense.   I liked much harder science on such matters by the time I cared.

I REMEMBER too well hearing lynn saying JOHNNY HAD TO KNOW THEY WERE DANCING.  Then later I heard him say I had the perfect alibi.   A person who had been privy to more of my life than I had, even thinking I could come up with the perfect alibi was ridiculous, though I never thought I needed an alibi.   I did not believe I had anything to hide.   I had heresy, second hand information, given to me in ways that sounded insane to me,  as I lived them, so much so that along with fears they kept me from owning up to the responsibilities I had been given.

I did not have the right answers then, and I still don't, but at least now I know I do not have to pretend I do.  In psy-war I could not let people know how ignorant I was.  Any small advantage I could get, whether using the supernatural, which I was loath to do at first... when you started informing me off what had happened.

I knew of no reason to fight England, I would not have allowed soldiers to be slaughtered as a result of this.  Will Ferrell... how I wish there was justice in this country -- I would like to take one of his mansions and a few million bucks in the slander suite.  But the man has been thru enough already.   I don't wish to add to his burden, playing out a character hated.  When they rode you out on a horse, naked, surrounded by dancing, gay men... and a young Mexican American guy said, I can't work with this.  Well, no you could not, because I had no idea what the hell you were working on.   If it was to convince people to follow me into a theocracy, I would not have allowed that to happen, because I know, you create a throne, you create that power, you have little or no control over who sits on it next, and if my feelings are for the well being of the people..   then I can trust no humans, only God, and I will NOT add to man's dominion over one another.

Sunday, April 1, 2018


A blog about a guy who is a writer, and sometime works as I say for and against various intelligence groups.    I have my own agenda, enough powerful people and insurance to be able to write what I want within reason.   I stay away from topics I know will get people killed if I wrote about.  Not me.   I have friends in the shadow war who tell me quit writing about it or the next time they see me I WILL BE IN A coffin.   I have gotten too many threats over the years to take them seriously, and welcome an actual fight, which they know I would win, or not go down without destroying everything they love about this city.

I know a lot of secrets, enough I am censored by people who watch me in real time on facebook, and take down some posts just as I write them...   My words are troublesome to the status quo and they know as much, that the underground has nukes, I imagine, and can use them to hold the elite hostage, use a scorch and burn philosophy that will stop the genocide, attempt, should it come in any way it can be fought... I suspect surprise plans and a disease.... and we fall down and die.   I do not know,  though the elite also discussed using Ebola, and that is a painful, shitting blood death that no one would want, let alone to watch their loved ones writh in pain with.